The PrimeWay Genomic II DNA Extraction Kit is a spin-column based purification system designed to efficiently isolate high-quality DNA. This comprehensive kit includes unique buffers and reagents that enable users to work with 16 different sample types in the laboratory. All components of the kit are produced and tested in accordance with stringent quality standards.
The DNA extracted using this kit is well-suited for various downstream applications, such as genotyping, PCR, restriction analysis, Southern blotting, and more. Additionally, the kit has been validated for use with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms for 7 specific sample types: cultured cells, bacteria, yeast, whole blood, buffy coat, nucleated blood, and white blood cells.

- Versatile - Suitable for varieties of sample types and wide range of sources.
- High Quality DNA
- Free from PCR Inhibitor
- NGS Grade gDNA
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Performance Review
Animal Tissue-Mouse
DNA extracted from 10 mg mouse spleen and 25 mg mouse brain, heart and liver using Protocol A. 50 ng of extracted DNA are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Cultured Cells
DNA extracted from 1 x 106 human fibroblast cells using Protocol B. 50 ng of extracted DNA from human fibroblast cells are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Mouse/ Rat Tails
DNA extracted from 0.5 cm mouse tail using Protocol C. 50 ng of extracted DNA from mouse tail are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
DNA extracted from 20 mg E. coli cell pellet using Protocol D. 50 ng of extracted DNA from E. coli are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
DNA extracted from 30 mg yeast using Protocol E. 50 ng of extracted DNA from yeast are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Whole Blood/ Buffy Coat
DNA extracted from buffy coat using Protocol G. The buffy coat is collected from 3 mL fresh human blood. 50 ng of extracted DNA from buffy coat are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Nucleated Blood
DNA extracted from 10 µL frozen fish blood using Protocol H. 50 ng of extracted DNA from frozen fish blood are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
White Blood Cells
DNA extracted from white blood cells using Protocol J. The white blood cells were obtained from 1 mL whole blood. 50 ng of extracted DNA from 1 mL whole blood of white blood cells are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Buccal Swabs
DNA extracted from 1 swab using Protocol L. 50 ng of extracted DNA from buccal swab are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
DNA extracted from 1 mL human saliva using Protocol M. 50 ng of extracted DNA from saliva are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
DNA extracted from 100 µL human sperm using Protocol O. 50 ng of extracted DNA from human sperm are analysed with 1% agarose gel.
Product Code | KIT-9022 |
Product | PrimeWay Genomic II DNA Extraction Kit |
Size | 10/50/250 prep |
Sample Type | Animal Tissue, Cultured Cells, Mouse/Rat Tail, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi from Cut Agar, Whole Blood/Buffy Coat, Nucleated Blood, Dried Blood Spot, White Blood Cells, Insect, Buccal Swab, Saliva, Alcohol-Fixed Tissue, Sperm, Feather/Nails/Hair |
Yield | Up to 40 µg |
Purity (A260/280) | 1.7 - 2.0 |
Duration | ~25 minutes/prep* |
* Excluding lysis incubation time
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