We have in-house expertise in processing samples for downstream molecular biology applications routinely. Researchers may depend on us to process their samples for their processes without fuss.

The process of sample preparation is tedious and the amount of samples are typically limited for research. To maximise success for each sample preparation service, we advise our customers on how to collect and submit the samples within the acceptable terms and conditions. Such information is also available in each of the respective order forms. Minimum setup fee will apply when sample preparation service fails due to bad quality of sample that did not meet the prescribed terms and conditions.

** Note: For raw materials not within our submission guidelines, please download Order FormSample Preparation Services for Non-standard Raw Material Submissions.

DNA Extraction and Preparation Services

RNA Extraction and Analysis

Plasmid Preparation Services

For sample submission guidelines and instructions for packing of samples, please visit the "Downloads" tab.

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Sample Submission Guidelines for Standard PCR Grade Nucleic Acid Extraction
Packing of Samples