Why Cell Line Authentication Matters?
The research community has shown increasing concern on the reproducibility of results and many journals have stepped up their requirement for research involving cell lines. This web (http://www.scoop.it/t/cell-line-contamination/p/4040895974/2015/04/08/which-journals-ask-for-cell-line-authentication) lists journals with authentication policies and links to those policies. Working on misidentified cell line cost labs a great expense, not only in terms of monetary but also in terms of the time and effort involved. In addition, multiple retractions of paper have been made in recent years and these occurrences inevitably affect the reputation of the lab and researchers involved. By ensuring proper cell line authentication measure, researchers can maintain a better traceability of their work and ensure that time effort and funds are not wasted on irreproducible work.
Why 1st BASE Cell Line Authentication?
As outlined in ASN-0002, the standard short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping uses at least eight STR loci (TH01, TPOX, vWA, CSF1PO, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, and D5S818) plus Amelogenin for gender identification for human cell line authentication.
1st BASE Human Cell Line Authentication Service offers the even higher power of discrimination with the analysis of 24 loci. Twenty-four short tandem repeat (STR) loci plus the gender determining locus, Amelogenin, is amplified using GenePrint® 24 System from Promega. By comparing the STR profile against the database profile, we can make accurate identification of the cell lines.
How does Cell Line Authentication by STR profiling works?
From the extracted genomic DNA, 1st BASE will perform quantification to ensure good quality and sufficient starting material. Multiplex PCR of the targeted loci will then be performed. Subsequently, the fluorescently label PCR products are analyzed with our Genetic Analyzer. 1st BASE will deliver the raw data and the analyzed data in a detailed report to you.
When do you need to do Cell Line Authentication?
✔ Acquire new cell line
✔ Start new experiment
✔ Routinely passaging cell lines
✔ See inconsistent cell behaviour/ unexpected results
✔ For publication
- The Economics of Reproducibility in Preclinical Research
- Standards for Cell Line Authentication and Beyond
- Authentication of Human Cell Lines by STR DNA Profiling Analysis
- American Type Culture Collection Standards Development Organization Workgroup. Authentication of human cell lines: standardization of STR profiling (American National Standards Institute, 2011).
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