Leveraging our expertise in DNA sequencing, we offer DNA barcoding services for pure isolates of bacterial, fungal, plant and animal samples. For DNA barcoding of mixed isolates or environmental samples, please refer to Metagenomic Sequencing (NGS-7000 Series) in our Next-Generation Sequencing.
Molecular methods will be employed to give more accurate and reproducible results and identifying the samples down to the genus level.
Appropriate controls are used at all levels to ensure the results are consistent and of the highest quality. All reports include the assembled sequences of your samples and the alignment of the top 10 hits to GenBank databases.
Features of 1st BASE DNA Barcoding Services:
- Barcoding and identification services for isolated pure samples
- Accurate and reproducible results
- Fast turnaround time
- Bidirectional sequencing prevents ambiguity in sequence
- Sequences are matched against a standard database, or a database of choice
- Comprehensive reports include sequences of sample, and the top 10 Hits of the BLAST results
- Neighbour Joining (unrooted tree)
- Additional analyses e.g. Phylogenetic analysis between samples is available at separate charges

Our DNA barcoding services is coupled with sample preparation services, allowing you to get the results in the shortest turnaround time, so that you can focus on the data analysis and decide the next move of your research experiments.
Description | Service |
Bacterial DNA Barcoding (pure isolates), full-length of 16s rRNA (~1400bp).
| MBS-5002 |
Description | Service |
Eukaryote DNA Barcoding, 18s rRNA (~1800bp)
| MBS-5006 |
Description | Service |
Fish DNA Barcoding, COI (~700bp)
| MBS-5009 |
Description | Service |
Fungal DNA Barcoding (pure isolates), ITS (~700bp)
| MBS-5004 |
Description | Service |
Insect DNA Barcoding, COI (~700bp)
| MBS-5010 |
Description | Service |
Plant DNA Barcoding, rbcl (~600bp) or matK (~850bp)
| MBS-5003 |
Custom DNA Barcoding
Description | Service |
Primer sequence provided by customer. Price is according the number of sample(s) for each primer set.
| MBS-5007 |
For sample submission guidelines and instructions for packing of samples, please visit the "Downloads" tab.