Cell culture medium plays a crucial role by furnishing essential components such as nutrients and growth factors that are indispensable for sustaining optimal cell growth and activity. Furthermore, the medium's composition can be finely tuned to regulate critical environmental factors within the cell culture, encompassing aspects like osmotic pressure and pH levels. An assortment of distinct cell culture medium formulations has been innovated, tailored to cater to an extensive spectrum of cell types and diverse experimental objectives.
Confidence with cGMP Production
1st BASE cell culture products are produced within facilities that strictly adhere to the guidelines of current good manufacturing practices (cGMP). Our products are supported by a robust quality management system, guaranteeing the dependability, uniformity, and superior quality that you can consistently count on.
Custom Cell Culture Media
Partner with 1st BASE to produce customized media or for scaling up to your needs. Whether you require specialized nutrient combinations, adjust components, customized packaging option, redefine QC tests, our custom solutions are designed to provide the exact environment your cells need to thrive.
Classical Media
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) is the most widely used medium for numerous adherent cell types among the defined media designed for cell and tissue culture. The Dulbecco’s modification is an enhanced supplementary formulation that contains four times the amino acid and vitamin concentration of original Eagle’s Minimal Essential Medium. Our range encompasses various glucose concentrations and options with or without L-glutamine. We also support custom modification from as low as 10L.
CUL-1010-1L | DMEM, low glucose with L-Gln, Sodium Pyruvate and Phenol Red |
CUL-1100-1L | DMEM, high glucose, with L-Gln and Sodium Pyruvate |
CUL-1110-1L | DMEM, high glucose, with L-Gln, without Sodium Pyruvate |
CUL-1120-1L | DMEM, high glucose without L-Gln and Sodium Pyruvate |
Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI)
Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium is a broadly used media suitable for a variety of mammalian cell lines. It was originally developed for culturing non-adherent cell types, such as lymphocytes and other blood cells. Over the year, the original formation was modified and refined to support many cell types including adherent cells. RPMI 1640 allows the cultivation of many cell types, especially human lymphocytes, Jurkat cells, HeLa cells, bone marrow cells, hybridomas and carcinomas.
CUL-1500-1L | RPMI, 1640 with L-Gln and Phenol Red |
CUL-1510-1L | RPMI, 1640, without L-Gln and Sodium Pyruvate |
DMEM/F12 Serum-Free Cell Culture Medium is a 1:1 mixture of Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) and Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mixture, containing a rich assortment of essential components necessary for robust mammalian cell growth and proliferation. DMEM/F12 supports a wide array of mammalian cell types, including MDCK, glial cells, fibroblasts, human endothelial cells, and rat fibroblasts.
CUL-1200-1L | DMEM/Ham's F-12 with L-Gln, Sodium Pyruvate and HEPES |
Basal Salts for Cell Culture
Balanced salt solutions are isotonic buffer systems that play a vital role in maintaining mammalian cells at their optimal pH range, ensuring high viability during short-term incubations. By upholding pH and osmotic balance, these solutions provide cells with necessary water and vital inorganic ions, crucial for their survival. 1st BASE offers a variety of formulations and formats.
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) and Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS) are widely used reagents in biological research. Both contain sodium chloride and phosphate buffer to maintain pH while minimizing osmotic shock in living cells. However, DPBS offers greater versatility as it includes potassium chloride and can be formulated with or without calcium, magnesium, glucose, and pyruvate. The choice between PBS and DPBS should be based on the specific requirements of your research application, ensuring the optimal environment for your cells or experiments.
PBS is widely used in many biological applications. PBS contain sodium chloride and phosphate buffer to maintain pH while minimizing osmotic shock in living cells.
BUF-2048-1X1L | 1X Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2, Sterile Filtered |
Similar to PBS contain sodium chloride and phosphate buffer to maintain pH while minimizing osmotic shock in living cells. However, DPBS offers greater versatility as it includes potassium chloride and can be formulated with or without calcium, magnesium, glucose, and pyruvate.
BUF-2046-1X1L | 1X Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (D-PBS), without Ca and Mg |
Other related services
Cell Line Authentication
As outlined in ASN-0002, the standard short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping uses at least eight STR loci (TH01, TPOX, vWA, CSF1PO, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, and D5S818) plus Amelogenin for gender identification for human cell line authentication.
1st BASE Human Cell Line Authentication Service offers the even higher power of discrimination with the analysis of 24 loci. Twenty-four short tandem repeat (STR) loci plus the gender determining locus, Amelogenin, is amplified using GenePrint® 24 System from Promega. By comparing the STR profile against the database profile, we can make accurate identification of the cell lines.
Mycoplasma Detection Service
Mycoplasma contamination of cells is a widespread issue in many cell culture labs. It often goes unperceived due to the small size and slow replication of the mycoplasma. In addition, mycoplasma contaminations do not cause consistently observable alterations in cell culture. However, mycoplasmas contamination poses major threat on the reliability, reproducibility, and consistency of results in cell culture experiments. Mycoplasma can affect cellular functions in numerous ways including proliferation, protein synthesis, susceptibility to viral infection, etc. Hence rapid and accurate detection of mycoplasma is essential.
1st BASE Mycoplasma contamination is based on conventional (or endpoint) PCR, as the established method of choice for rapid, robust, and sensitive detection of mycoplasma contaminations. The primer set used is designed to specifically target and amplify the highly conserved 16S rRNA coding region of the mycoplasma genome. This allows detection of M. orale, M. hyorhinis, M. arginini, M. fermentans, M. salivarium, M. hominis, usually encountered as contaminants in cell cultures, as well as M. pneumoniae, Acholeplasma laidlawii, M. synoviae, Spiroplasma citri and Ureaplasma species.
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