Sample Submission for Bacterial & Fungal DNA Barcoding Services
Prepare your bacterial or fungal sample in either option listed as below.
Option 1: Cut agar
- From the agar plate, cut about 0.5cm x 0.5cm (or 5mm square) of isolated pure bacteria/ fungus.
- Cut it with sterilized blade with as little agar as possible.
- Place the cut agar in 1.5mL centrifuge tube.
- Triplicates.
- Store the processed sample at 4°C if it is to be shipped later.
- Ship at room temperature
Option 2: Dry Pellet
- Spin down 1 mL to 2mL of liquid culture in 1.5mL centrifuge tube.
- Discard the supernatant.
- The size of the cell pellet is about 50uL.
- Triplicates.
- Store the processed sample at -20°C if it is to be shipped later
- Ship with dry ice is recommended. Estimate >= 5kg of dry ice is required for 1 to 2 day of shipment duration.
Option 3: FTA Card (only for bacterial cultures)
- If the sample is from pure isolated single colonies on agar plate, please inoculate > 20 single colonies in 125 uL sterile water/ buffer (such as TE, PBS).
- Then apply less than 125uL of overnight liquid culture directly on FTA card (not provided).
- Leave it dry.
- Then place card in an envelope/plastic bag for sample submission.
- Ship at room temperature
Option 4: Cut mushroom (mushroom for Fungal DNA barcoding)
Cut about 0.5cm x 1.0cm of isolated pure mushroom from the mature mushroom.
- Cut it with sterilized blade.
- Place the cut mushroom in 1.5mL centrifuge tube.
- Triplicates.
- Store the processed sample at 4°C if it is to be shipped later.
- Ship at room temperature.
Sample Preparation for Animal and Eukaryote Blood
We only accept animal and eukaryote blood samples using FTA card.
- Apply whole blood to the FTA card
- Label the FTA card with Sample Name and Preparation Date
- Allow sample to dry completely (Important!) at room temperature.
- Seal the card in a zip lock bag and ship at room temperature
- Attach both Order Form and the Biohazard Declaration Form (signature of Principal Investigator of researcher is required).
- Please download instructions on how to prepare samples using FTA card.
- Ship at room temperature.
Sample Preparation for Plant Tissue
Submit fresh plant leaves (100 to 500mg) together with silica gel or absorbent paper to prevent moisture during transition to our laboratory.
- Keep dry.
- Ship at room temperature.
- Sealed in ziplock bag.
- Replicates are not required.



Please do not ship a pack of leaves.
Sample Preparation for Animal Tissue
- Store animal tissue (50 to 100mg) in 5x volumes of absolute ethanol to prevent microbes growing during the transit to our laboratory.
- The sample must be kept in screw cap tube.
- Do not use 1.5mL centrifuge tube because the ethanol can leak out easily and blur the labeling of each tube.
- Label the tube using pencil or printed label.
- Ship at room temperature.